BG Partner Michael “Mickey” Robb Convinces EPA To Evaluate Whether College Students & Employees Are At An Increased Risk For Exposure To Asbestos
Congratulations to BG partner Michael “Mickey” Robb for convincing the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to evaluate college/university students and employees as a group that is at an elevated risk for exposure to cancer-causing asbestos that lingers in aging higher education buildings across the United States.
When the EPA recently asked for public comment on its new Risk Evaluation for Asbestos Part 2, Mickey filed a public comment educating the EPA on Bailey & Glasser, LLP’s extensive investigation into the widespread asbestos contamination that exists inside of college and university buildings across America.
In his public comment, Mickey urged the EPA to modify its Potentially Exposed or Susceptible Subpopulations group to include individuals who may be exposed to asbestos while they are working or taking classes inside of college and university buildings.
The EPA’s response to Mickey’s request is noted below in this excerpt from the Federal Register:
“I’m honored that the EPA has taken our suggested rule modifications seriously,” Mickey said. “This is a monumental first step toward protecting college and university employees and students from exposure to asbestos inside of aging school buildings across the nation.”