Charleston, WV
Bailey Glasser was founded in Charleston in 1999 by Brian Glasser, Ben Bailey, and investigator Charles Little.
In 2025, Best Law Firms recognized us in many categories which reflects the depth of our work and commitment to our clients:
Banking and Finance Law (Tier 3)
Bankruptcy and Creditor Rights / Insolvency and Reorganization Law (Tier 3)
Bet-the-Company Litigation (Tier 1)
Commercial Litigation (Tier 1)
Criminal Defense: White-Collar (Tier 1)
Energy Law (Tier 2)
Insurance Law (Tier 2)
Litigation - Banking & Finance Bankruptcy (Tier 1)
Litigation - Bankruptcy (Tier 1)
Litigation – Insurance
Litigation – Labor and Employment
Mass Tort Litigation / Class Actions - Plaintiffs (Tier 1)
Personal Injury Litigation - Defendants (Tier 1)
Personal Injury Litigation – Plaintiffs (Tier 1)
Product Liability Litigation - Plaintiffs (Tier 1)
- Laura Babiak
- Benjamin L. Bailey
- John W. Barrett
- Kevin W. Barrett
- Thanos Basdekis
- Hon. Thomas B. Bennett (ret.)
- Jonathan D. Boggs
- B. Wayne Bowman II, CPL
- Jack Budig
- Katherine E. Charonko
- Jonathan S. Deem
- Jennifer S. Fahey
- Sallie Gilbert
- Brian A. Glasser
- Philip Gregory Haddad
- Sam A. Hrko
- Sharon F. Iskra
- Charles F. Little
- Jonathan R. Marshall
- Matthew D. Mellert
- Cari A. Morris
- Michael L. Murphy
- Daniel M. O'Hare
- Ciara A. Peacock
- Rebecca D. Pomeroy
- Travis A. Prince
- J. Roger Shealy
- Christopher D. Smith
- Eric B. Snyder
- Mary Pat "MP" Statler
- Brian R. Swiger
- Adam H. Wilson
- Victor S. Woods